Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Pendulum Swings

So, even while on meds, I tend to do things in cycles. Bothers the hell out of me, even more for my wife (who deserves a lot more credit than I give her for putting up with me for this long).

One of the things I regret not keeping up with (just one?) is a journal I had started back in April, coinciding with the start of treatment for my ADD. I had actually been able to keep up with it very well, until the start of July.

That was when a psychiatrist said, "You need Strattera - here's a prescription. Start taking it, and I guarantee that you won't have a problem again."

So I started the Strattera. Know what happened?

Nothing happened.

That's right. There was no response to it whatsoever. And all the progress, all the discipline I had had developed since April - out the window. Sometimes, on clear days, I look out the window and think that I can still see them, flying around. I wave at them, and imagine them waving back.

So, what I'm going to do now is try to get back to that, using this blog. Everything that I can remember writing in my journal will be done here.

And with that:

Weight Check: 211 lbs.

Time of 50 mg Vyvanse dosage: 5:33 am (x1)

Notes: The 211 is a good sign, seeing as how I was 214 on Friday. I'm still a little higher than the 207.5 I was at a little more than two weeks ago, but seeing as how the weight is dropping again, I should be able to get back down to that and then some.

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